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The Rainateeshirt- Stop acting like a Disgruntled pelican girl vintage shirt rs at Fox News who call Trump out often.  Shep Smith, Juan Williams, Bret Baier, Neil Cavuto, Martha MacCallum to name a few.  How many hosts on CNN ever say one positive thing about Trump?  None.  You might want to tune into

Stop acting like a Disgruntled pelican girl vintage shirtRainateeshirt- Stop acting like a Disgruntled pelican girl vintage shirt 

Fox to be better informed. Mark Murray so you're concerned with the Rainateeshirt- Stop acting like a Disgruntled pelican girl vintage shirt and facts when it.comes to CNN, Dems and liberal?  Now demand the same from THE PRESIDENT and his propaganda network.  Also,  CNN has told the entire story. Including Bide s involvement Mark Murray...Did you rea


From: 2020trendingshirt

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