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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2020

Fight for Your Right Tee Shirt Kansas City Football shirt

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Buy it:    Fight for Your Right Tee Shirt Kansas City Football shirt See more:   Fight for Your Right Tee Shirt Kansas City Football shirt Democracy, it's gonna happen! It may Janet Schroeder Profit what are you talking about? Hillary destroys evidence after it was subpoenaed, and is still walking around free!! Talk about double standards!! Ramiro I. Garcia  No!  That’s you liberals that like the   Fight for Your Right Tee Shirt Kansas City Football shirt  game of ‘follow the leader’ and ‘ repeat after me’!   Braindead losers that think they have a real job by being keyboard warriors! Janet Schroeder Profit he would take a note from the Clinton mob murder book and get someone to stage a robbery and leave the target dead on the street; better yet in a put that man in his place.  Was the prosecutor trying to trace 30million that went just read.Janet Schroeder Profit Obama could order a stand down and go to bed while our embassy is un...

George kittle is good shirt

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Buy it:  George kittle is good shirt See more:  George kittle is good shirt  The economy has been on the upswing for 10yrs. Iran isn’t done with us. They got even for imposed sanctions once, and they’ll do it again. So don’t get too comfortable with your “ no war” claim. Here are some promises he made to con you into voting for him. He’ll build a wall that Mexico will pay for. Now he’s stealing money from military families for a wall that won’t do any good. He claims that we’ll have the  George kittle is good shirt  cleanest air and water. 85 regulations lifted. Manufacturing will make a comeback. The people of the rust belt are still waiting. Coal will make a comeback. Really? He has a great infrastructure plan. Really? He’s not a racist. Really? Everything about him is fake news. Really? He’ll repeal and replace theACA. Really? So you see buddy, these are just some of the things he’s lied about and you believed and still believe these lies that continue ...


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Buy it:   KANSAS CITY CHIEFS SUPER BOWL LIV BOUND HOMETOWN FINAL DRIVE TEE SHIRT See more:  KANSAS CITY CHIEFS SUPER BOWL LIV BOUND HOMETOWN FINAL DRIVE TEE SHIRT I refuse to rejoice about things such as death (the man) and suffering (his would-be wife and all the other people he knew and loved). If you believe that to be saddened by such a tragic turn of events is to be a moralist, the  KANSAS CITY CHIEFS SUPER BOWL LIV BOUND HOMETOWN FINAL DRIVE TEE SHIRT  , sir, you are in a sickening state of rot. Totally decayed and I pity you and whoever has the awful misfortune to have to endure the disgraceful agony to actually know you. It must be a living Hell. A horrifying torment. And you deleted your comment, which stated: “Ignore Carlos, he’s just a moralist.” To top it all, you are a pathetic and shameless tiny coward. You do not have the guts to stand by what you say. Cretin. Genon Bradford You're definitely showing signs of psychopathy.  It's a mental dis...

Feels Great Baby Jimmy G shirt

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Buy it:   Feels Great Baby Jimmy G shirt See more:  Feels Great Baby Jimmy G shirt Poor Patriots....they’ve cheated their way to the “top” by employed rapists, murderers, quarterbacks who don’t know the appropriate weight of a football and an owner who got hand jobs from sex slaves. It’s like the   Feels Great Baby Jimmy G shirt  story of the Republican Party since Lincoln, with footbal My name is Queen Remedies, I work as a creditor of Green Finance for many years now and I have very good experience in providing perso e this you know.....it's not always easy for women to come forward esspecially with wealthy athletes and fans like you I find it convenient that all of a sudden this guy is about to sign this big contract and suddenly women come out the woodwork from for 5 years ago to accuse this man of sexual assault and rape. I've always said that if one woman is raped by a man and she doesn't come forth then it's possible but if two women are raped...

Dolly Parton Vibes T-Shirt

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Buy it:  Dolly Parton Vibes T-Shirt See more:   Dolly Parton Vibes T-Shirt Ahannon Criss there a pics of multiple group texts he sent threatening the accuser and including her children’s photos as an intimidation tactic. I think that’s the main reason they’re letting him go. He should have allowed his attorneys and the  Dolly Parton Vibes T-Shirt  legal system so their job. Shannon Criss yep. They’re all over Instagram. Search his hashtags. You could probably find them on google as well. ed ‘Antonio Brown texts.’ Its all there. They said they released him cause of the texts, even if they might have been trying to get his money or even putting themselves through the craziness of coming forward for a lie, he still sent the woman that did not go after his money a picture of her kids among other things, which even for the Patriots low standards on human morals with their high standards on actual playing ability, that far outweighs any good he could do for the team,...

Feels Great Baby Official T-Shirt

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Buy it:   Feels Great Baby Official T-Shirt See more:  Feels Great Baby Official T-Shirt Arump would even approach this subject?  If you don’t know what the Biden’s did then you have no room to comment. Janet Schroeder Profit If the  Feels Great Baby Official T-Shirt  left was concerned about checks and balances; they would be concerned about FISA abuse and the Obama DOJ as well. Bo Houff all of which were spearheaded by President Obama! Do some fact checking & you will see that tRUMP unemployment record is less than President Obama’s. As for stock market, it also was started by Obama and has been on an upward trend for 10 years & tRUMP has been in office 3 years. As for no new wars, what war did President Obama start, those going during his tenure were all started by republicans!! Also, you might check out the national debt & deficit under tRUMP, they are skyrocketing Janet Schroeder Profit As should be. A president of the United States, No mat...

Kansas City Football Were Gonna Need More Fireworks Shirt

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Buy it:  Kansas City Football Were Gonna Need More Fireworks Shirt See more:  Kansas City Football Were Gonna Need More Fireworks Shirt  I can joke about it in here.   Nothing and no one on this is actually effected by the death Angela Scott  Wow.  So you think it’s ok to joke about a tragedy because the people involved won’t know? I don’t have to pretend this makes me sad.  It does make me sad because I know the heartbreak of losing someone you love. Tragedy or not.. the  Kansas City Football Were Gonna Need More Fireworks Shirt  news is making money off this tragedy so a little dry humor isnt going to kill anyone.. lighten up. Besides.. how dumb can you be? Dive down deep with no oxygen...Ben Coleman many people deal with uncomfortable information by using humor.  At my father's funeral, someone made a joke when a bouquet fell over during thecm 21-gun salute.  I didn't scold them. Notice how it's all women screaming abo...

I Am Hip Hop Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Buy it:   I Am Hip Hop Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt See more:  I Am Hip Hop Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt Obama start, those going during his tenure were all started by republicans!! Also, you might check out the  I Am Hip Hop Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt  national debt & deficit under tRUMP, they are skyrocketing!If he wins,he wins. But I would start impeachment no matter if he wins the next election or not. If you are in Congress one of you're jobs is to hold him accountable. Or we as just as well  be a banana republic. The Republicans would have had a democrat an impeachment yet Biden Sr and Jr have provided us all a ton of evidence of criminal action including bribery of a Urkanian President and not to mention a full fledged confession straight from the horses mouth one ie Joe Biden on national news media about firing the investigator who was honing in on the criminal activities of Jr's company. That inv...

Kobe Bryant 1978 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:   Kobe Bryant 1978 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more:  Kobe Bryant 1978 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt Hopkins dude it was deep & he ran out of air before reaching the  Kobe Bryant 1978 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt  top meaning he likely passed out trying to swim up which resulted in his death Hi! Whoever is reading this, I understand how rough things are right now.I just want to let you know that things will get better, I promise. Keep holding on just a little bit longer. I know you feel like nobody really cares. You're wrong, stop denying it. I care, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this. You're not alone, we may be miles away but we're all going through the same things. Please keep holding on. Follow us please for more motivational words I don't know whether it has to do with s and extra-terrestrials, but it has definitely been a place of major secrecy and interest for many decad rtunately this sort of silliness turns...

Legendary Mamba Out 1978-2020 41 Years Of Greatness Shirt

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Buy it:   Legendary Mamba Out 1978-2020 41 Years Of Greatness Shirt See more:  Legendary Mamba Out 1978-2020 41 Years Of Greatness Shirt Sadly, he can get away with everything... he's corruption at its best and yet there he sits in the most prestigious office in the   Legendary Mamba Out 1978-2020 41 Years Of Greatness Shirt  world. It seems... he is above the law. Bradley Wagner not sure of your point, but the tax cut resulted in an add on to the deficit of 2 trillion.  This has to be paid , so the really paltry cut to working class is meaningless.  The rich did ok though It's funny to listen to Trumptards whine about taxpayer money being used for investigations.  That's what can happen when you vote for a . Terry Koenig yep you are exactly right with a poem tennis doing the opposite thing for the Rieger duration of what you were talking about I think that's what you meant But you've got no problem with bailing out farmers, strong arm...

Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:   Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more:  Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt Never happened.  Fake news" Lynn Archer sounds about right except you completed the   Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt  sentences which completed a thought - not something he would do. Donald Rose Where’s my check?  I keep seeing people talk about paid protestors and my check hasn’t arrived.  I protest everything he does & says.  Send my check please. Lynn Archer there is at least one video of him saying " beat the crap out of him, ill pay the legal expenses ". So we know he's all for it. Trump is not going to testify because he thinks he’s above the law. Even though he told his circus clowns to punch people in the face and he will bail them out He or his organizations have been involved in over 3,500 lawsuits. That is the ver...

LSU Tigers Football Playoff 2019 National Champions T-Shirt

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Buy it:  LSU Tigers Football Playoff 2019 National Champions T-Shirt See more:  LSU Tigers Football Playoff 2019 National Champions T-Shirt   Require Gas Masks by Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the  LSU Tigers Football Playoff 2019 National Champions T-Shirt  Fish Killer Bees ely their job in the House is to propose bills and conduct oversight. With Mitch blocking every bill sent to the Senate on you name it, hard to do much. And then DJT is taking executive power to realms never seen before, its keeping everyone busy. Finally Mitch caves on 1 bill trying to protect elections... but everything else? Gun control, immigration...nada. Zip. I am so proud of him, we elected him to undo the horrible statism put in place by the communist provocateur Obama and by god he is doing just that. Obama should not be remembered as a president but a traitor who sold his country down the river for a book deal. Obama hates Ameri...

Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Tigers Shirt

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Buy it:  Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Tigers Shirt See more: Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Tigers Shirt  They said they released him cause of the texts, even if they might have been trying to get his money or even putting themselves through the  Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Tigers Shirt  craziness of coming forward for a lie, he still sent the woman that did not go after his money a picture of her kids among other things, which even for the Patriots low standards on human morals with their high standards on actual playing ability, that far outweighs any good he could do for the team, and Bill knew he was risking losing his locker room for this fool. And by fool I mean FOOL, he went from a 50 million ve left the women alone and let the Attorneys and etc handle this.. But he could not let them alone.. Text after tex e should have know they would take them to the pol...

I San Francisco 49ers And A Los Angeles Dodgers For Life Shirt

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Buy it:   I San Francisco 49ers And A Los Angeles Dodgers For Life Shirt See more: I San Francisco 49ers And A Los Angeles Dodgers For Life Shirt  Comakov Cabakov Petro Strokski Barry Obamanov He had characters issues from the  I San Francisco 49ers And A Los Angeles Dodgers For Life Shirt  time he was a teenager , give him a boatload of money and fans , what did you think was going to happen , bad apples don’t become great people without personal accountability and maturity This is just why I stop watching,Ben was accused several years later nothing.And Now Antonio is release.Yes I’m against all sexual abuse.However,treat everyone the same.Some type of counseling is needed for professional players. Thsaying… But I still am waiting on the testimony of IG Horowitz in an open season....let’s see everything.  I am afraid that It’s not com From:  Hamsterstee shop

Im A Baltimore Ravens And A Baltimore Orioles For Life Shirt

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Buy it:   Im A Baltimore Ravens And A Baltimore Orioles For Life Shirt See more: Im A Baltimore Ravens And A Baltimore Orioles For Life Shirt Subpoena.  Contempt of court to enforce checks and balances.ese are the pillars of our democracy.  They are all crumbling.  Right in front of our eyes.  Dictatorship is next.  Prove  me wrong The media shouldn't talk about the  Im A Baltimore Ravens And A Baltimore Orioles For Life Shirt  whistleblower, or anything else going on in Washington, until they know the facts. This is how they deserve the name "fake news". It's all salacious gossip and speculation, without knowing the facts. The media is sucking the life out of the seriousness of what's going on in Washington. Report news, not your opinions!!! Of course so what you’re saying is let’s play into Trump’s hands and “look into Biden”? This is the same crap yo  see if he can sort through his iss From:  Hamsterstee shop

Linkin Park 24th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:  Linkin Park 24th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more: Linkin Park 24th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt Man he was so did this to himself! If he was still on the Steelers, a team he put years in with.  They probably would of kept him on the roster, until all the facts came out. Waiting to see the outcome of the trial and the Linkin Park 24th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Shirt situation as s whole. They said they released him cause of the texts, even if they might have been trying to get his money or even putting themselves through the craziness of coming forward for a lie, he still sent the woman that did not go after his money a picture of her kids among other things, which even for the Patriots low standards on human morals with their high standards on actual playing ability, that far outweighs any good he could do for the team, and ing a picture of her children, so now she’s letting the league get involved. It's not w...

Lsu Tigers 2020 College Football Playoff National Champions Shirt

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Buy it:  Lsu Tigers 2020 College Football Playoff National Champions Shirt See more: Lsu Tigers 2020 College Football Playoff National Champions Shirt Brown  op it.  He said she was a liar and was using a fake story to try to extort him and then called her broke by the way her kids were dressed.  Stop with the sensationalism Cedric J. Moses Ben served a 6 game suspension just for the  Lsu Tigers 2020 College Football Playoff National Champions Shirt   e being alligations against him.. Didnt even wait for the outcome - him being mentioned with sexual assault gave him 6 games out right off the bat Brian Dust nobody reported her she probably reported herself but Mike Kenster is will be reported to the FBI for threats on my life in my love these comments for your follow es guilty until proven innocent or no charges y ch him we will find a crime later or a unnamed source said he was guilty hypocristy at it love Shannon Criss there a pics of multiple...

Lsu Tigers K Lavon Chaisson Justin Jefferson Joe Burrow Signatures Shirt

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Buy it:  Lsu Tigers K Lavon Chaisson Justin Jefferson Joe Burrow Signatures Shirt See more: Lsu Tigers K Lavon Chaisson Justin Jefferson Joe Burrow Signatures Shirt They all say yes then wake up sober and cry rape it's bull and it's always high paid athletes that end up paying out money in settlements offer the Lsu Tigers K Lavon Chaisson Justin Jefferson Joe Burrow Signatures Shirt m cash and suddenly it never happened I find it convenient that all of a sudden this guy is about to sign this big contract and suddenly women come out the woodwork from for 5 years ago to accuse this man of sexual assault and rape. I've always said that if one woman is raped by a man and she doesn't come forth then it's possible but if two women are raped then that is not possible that neither woman come forth. This is when it becomes a scheme to get money. Poor Patriots oom for this fool. And by foo From:  Hamsterstee shop

Megadeth 37th Anniversary 1983 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:  Megadeth 37th Anniversary 1983 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more: Megadeth 37th Anniversary 1983 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt I've always said that if one woman is raped by a man and she doesn't come forth then it's possible but if two women are raped the  Megadeth 37th Anniversary 1983 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt  n that is not possible that neither woman come forth. This is when it becomes a scheme to get money. He really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and nothing would happen to him. Where are the checks and balances we used to have Janet Schroeder Profit I agree with you. We as a society, are caught up in this reality TV world; and are living vicariously through these celebrities. While we pinch pennies and watch them on  Bianca Smith LOL, you tell me Natascha.  Have never been, but I think Chernobyl would be an interesting, if not sobering/depressing/toxic place to visit Dan Lochner Yeah...

National Championship 2020 The Real Tigers Lsu Champions Joe Burrow Signature Shirt

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Buy it:  National Championship 2020 The Real Tigers Lsu Champions Joe Burrow Signature Shirt See more: National Championship 2020 The Real Tigers Lsu Champions Joe Burrow Signature Shirt Refugee children, now those are the  National Championship 2020 The Real Tigers Lsu Champions Joe Burrow Signature Shirt   law breakers..Doug Pharr stop deflecting. What is your name? What year is it? Do you know where you are? Do you know the date? Who is the "president"? (Mini mental status test Janet Schroeder Profit  thats my question to Nancy that until she is slowing the impeachment.. i heard she is not aggreeing with Nadler’s idea of impeachment inquiry in the house judiciary Janet Schroeder Profit  do you mean the checks and balances that used to imprison anyone that threatened the President!  Those checks and balances?  Yeah, bring it on!   Janet Schroeder Profit what are you talking about? Hillary destroys evidence after it was subpoenae...

Neil Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Shirt

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Buy it:  Neil Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Shirt See more: Neil Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Shirt He’s not a racist. Really? Everything about him is fake news. Really? He’ll repeal and replace theACA. Really? So you see buddy, these are just some of the things he’s lied about and you believed and still believe the  Neil Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Shirt  se lies that continue to come outa his mouth. Sorry for you man Janet Schroeder Profit you morons have over reacted, come out as unable to control your emotions, proven to be void of objectivity, liars, cheats, tyrannical, and basically viewed by the rest of the country as unbalanced. Then you ask why nobody trusts your motives or opinions. Julia Gulia actually we're the ones acting and thinking rationally.  You're so stuck on him that he said that.. est air and water. 85 regulations lifted. Manufacturing will make a comeback. The people o From:  Hamster...

Neli Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Signature Shirt

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Buy it:   Neli Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Signature Shirt See more: Neli Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Signature Shirt There are many ways to make a woman smile that are much simpler than putting your life at risk to surprise her. Not worth your life and her grief. I don’t understand why anyone is making jokes about this, posting stuff that mocks this tragedy. Show a little compassion and empathy. This man drowned while proposing to the  Neli Peart 1952 2020 If The Future’s Looking Dark Signature Shirt  love of his life. This is anything but funny. You don’t have to know someone to care about their well being. The “I don’t know you, so you’re not my problem” is just plain wrong and not how other human beings should be treated. He lives in Louisville Kentucky and yes its true,he drown.they didnt report all the details cuz the family ask them not to and they are still investigating. His body was found.Ben Coleman you know who’s not re...

Za’Darius Smith Snubbed Shirt

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Buy it:  Za’Darius Smith Snubbed Shirt See more: Za’Darius Smith Snubbed Shirt My heart goes out to her and I've said a prayer for her. Grace Victoria Hitchman Laird It is heartbreaking..to think that the happiest day turned into saddest. I wouldn't go beneath the water for all the tea in China.but feel for the  Za’Darius Smith Snubbed Shirt  poor man and his fiance. Ryan Yarnevich, no. I happen to have a heart, a soul and a moral code. I refuse to rejoice about things such as death (the man) and suffering (his would-be wife and all the other people he knew and loved). If you believe that to be saddened by such a tragic turn of events is to be a moralist, then, sir, you are in a sickening state of rot. Totally decayed and I pity you and whoever has the awful misfortune to have to endure the disgraceful agony to actually know you. It must be  From: Hamsterstee shop

Vintage Best Cat Dad Ever Shirt

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Buy it:  Vintage Best Cat Dad Ever Shirt See more: Vintage Best Cat Dad Ever Shirt Follow us please for more motivational words I don't know whether it has to do with UFOs and extra-terrestrials, but it has definitely been a place of major secrecy and interest for many decades .... unfortunately this sort of silliness turns the  Vintage Best Cat Dad Ever Shirt  whole thing into a charade, so that the simple-minded low-IQ folk can chuckle and do their 'teehee' thing, and so the folk in charge can say "anyone with questions and concerns is just some wacky conspiracy theorist" I guess they came to their senses after they realized they could be arrested, fined, jailed or shot for being that dummy who doesnt get anywhere near area 51. The  tigations.  That's what can happen when you vote for a . Terry Koenig yep you are exactly right with a poem tennis doing the opposite thing From:  Hamsterstee shop

January 13 2020 Cfp National Champions LSU Tigers Shirt

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Buy it: January 13 2020 Cfp National Champions LSU Tigers Shirt There are many ways to make a woman smile that are much simpler than putting your life at risk to surprise her. Not worth your life and her grief. I don’t understand why anyone is making jokes about this, posting stuff that mocks this tragedy. Show a little compassion and empathy. This man drowned while proposing to the  January 13 2020 Cfp National Champions LSU Tigers Shirt  love of his life. This is anything but funny. You don’t have to know someone to care about their well being. The “I don’t know you, so you’re not my problem” is just plain wrong and not how other human beings should be treated. He lives in Louisville Kentucky and yes its true,he drown.they didnt report all the details cuz the family ask them not to and they are still investigating. His body was found.Ben Coleman you know who’s not reading any of thi y or not.. the news is making money off this tragedy so a little dry humor isnt going t...

Bro I’m Staight-up Not Having A Good Time Shirt

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Buy it: Bro I’m Staight-up Not Having A Good Time Shirt  Cushman lol Moscow Mich . Buttercup I guess it escaped your attention to the fact that Killery sold US uranium to Russia  and BJ gave speeches in Russia for 400k.  I’m for certain that BJ and Killery have this as a playlist favorite.. Barb McLane Schutte hen I wish we would have even more parasites since the country is thriving to the  Bro I’m Staight-up Not Having A Good Time Shirt  extent it is. Lowest unemployment levels in history, billions pouring back into the treasury from plants setting up shop back into the country patriating dollars t’s a beautiful thing , but unfortunately you’re suffering from an acute diagnosis of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  And believe me  ntrol your emotions, proven to be void of objectivity, liars, cheats, tyrannica ha From:    Hamsterstee shop

Baby Yoda Hug New York Yankees Shirt

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Buy it: Baby Yoda Hug New York Yankees Shirt Schroeder Profit you morons have over reacted, come out as unable to control your emotions, proven to be void of objectivity, liars, cheats, tyrannical, and basically viewed by the rest of the country as unbalanced. The  Baby Yoda Hug New York Yankees Shirt  you ask why nobody trusts your motives or opinions. Julia Gulia actually we're the ones acting and thinking rationally.  You're so stuck on him that he said that...that he could shoot someone and he'd get away with it.  And he has done his best to prove it metaphorically ever since. Janet Schroeder Profit Just know, Donald Trump will eventually be brought to is many crimes against our Democracy, t very educated.... my mistake.....show some proof of what your blabbering about, not just making more FAKE NEWS and lies, like the LIAR in From:    Hamsterstee shop

Baby Yoda Hug Wildcats Shirt

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Buy it: Baby Yoda Hug Wildcats Shirt Amy Lynn Romanek Sanchez Biden in 2016 threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Ukraine removed a prosecutor who was probing the   Baby Yoda Hug Wildcats Shirt   gas company in the Ukraine that his son was a director of, Biden bragged about it on live tv that he put that man in his place.  Was the prosecutor trying to trace 30million that went wes  I just read.Janet Schroeder Profit Obama could order a stand down and go to bed while our embassy is under attack and our murdered ambassador is dragged through the streets and nothing would happen to him. As a matter of fact, it did happen. Randy Brooks The cash giv From:    Hamsterstee shop

Baby Yoda Whisper Words Of Wisdom Let It Be Shirt

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Buy it: Baby Yoda Whisper Words Of Wisdom Let It Be Shirt  Do some fact checking & you will see that tRUMP unemployment record is less than President Obama’s. As for stock market, it also was started by Obama and has been on an upward trend for 10 years & tRUMP has been in office 3 years. As for no new wars, what war did President Obama start, those going during his tenure were all started by republicans!! Also, you might check out the national debt & deficit under tRUMP, the  Baby Yoda Whisper Words Of Wisdom Let It Be Shirt  are skyrocketing Janet Schroeder Profit As should be. A president of  Talk about double standards!! Ramiro I. Garcia  No!  That’s you liberals that like the game of ‘follow the leader’ and ‘ repeat after me’!   Braindead losers that think they have a real job by being keyboard warriors! Janet Schroeder Profit he would take a note from the Clinton mob murder book and get someone to stage a robbery and leave t...

Boba Fett And Baby Yoda Sunset Shirt

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Buy it: Boba Fett And Baby Yoda Sunset Shirt   Robinson he was rich before this you know.....it's not always easy for women to come forward esspecially with wealthy athletes and fans like you I find it convenient that all of a sudden this guy is about to sign this big contract and suddenly women come out the woodwork from for 5 years ago to accuse this man of sexual assault and rape. I've always said that if one woman is raped by a man and she doesn't come forth the  Boba Fett And Baby Yoda Sunset Shirt  it's possible but if two women are raped then that is not possible that neither woman come forth. This is when it becomes a scheme to get money. He really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and nothing would happen to him. Where are the checks and balances we us es why Trump would even approach this subject?  If you don’t know what the Biden’s did then you have no room to comment. From:    Hamsterstee shop

Boba Fett The Good Ig-11 The Droid Yoda The Baby Shirt

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Buy it: Boba Fett The Good Ig-11 The Droid Yoda The Baby Shirt No it' eg like there is anything different.we are going to see that someone else used their position to exert influence for political gain...or they tried anyway.So if all this is completely innocent and above board, why is the Trump blocking the whistleblower's information from Congress?JohnDoling.  The  Boba Fett The Good Ig-11 The Droid Yoda The Baby Shirt  as no pressure from anyone from the US. To close Cases against Zlochevsky, kasko tol in Trump wins again because guy's like Michael doing exactly what the president wants to muddying the water just like Always!!American  must sit-down  togather and decide what direction should they take. ARE they with climate change or change  climate. sell  mass destruction weapon which cause climate change. From:    Hamsterstee shop

Heart Single Af Shirt

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Buy it:   Heart Single Af Shirt Could the democrat party leadership handle it? They may need straight jackets  ecause of total mental breakdown!ecks and balances.3 separate and nonpartisan branches of govt.Oversight. ubpoena Contempt of court to enforce checks and balances. hese are the  Heart Single Af Shirt  pillars of our democracy. hey are all crumbling.  Right in front of our eyes.ictatorship is next.  Prove  me wrong The media shouldn't talk about the whistleblower, or anything else going on in Washington, until they know the facts. This is how they deserve the name "fake news". It's all salacious gossip and speculation, without knowing the facts. The media is sucking omorrow e invisible m From:    Hamsterstee shop

I Want You For Running Man Nearest Recruiting Station Shirt

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Buy it: I Want You For Running Man Nearest Recruiting Station Shirt Waiting to see the outcome of the trial and the situation as s whole. They said they released him cause of the texts, even if they might have been trying to get his money or even putting themselves through the craziness of coming forward for a lie, he still sent the woman that did not go after his money a picture of her kids among othe   I Want You For Running Man Nearest Recruiting Station Shirt  ings, which even for the Patriots low standards on human morals with their high standards on actual playing ability, that far outweighs any good he could do for the team, and Bill knew he was risking losing his locker room for this fool. And by fool I mean FOOL, he went from a 50 million guaranteed contract, to getting one game check for 158   his outrageous dress. It's not funny! He did From:    Hamsterstee shop

Killer Klowns From Outer Space In Space No One Can Eat Ice Cream Shirt

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Buy it: Killer Klowns From Outer Space In Space No One Can Eat Ice Cream Shirt   Burfict, I hope he gets the help he needs... He should have left the women alone and let the Attorneys and etc handle this.. But he could not let them alone.. Text after text... He should have know they would take them to the  Killer Klowns From Outer Space In Space No One Can Eat Ice Cream Shirt  police or their Attorney..Nicole Tracewski Livingston She wasn’t originally going to ask the league to investigate, she was just putting it out there. But once she did AB sent her a bunch of intimidating texts, including a picture of her children, so now she’s letting the league get involved. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. As far as football, from the Steelers to the Raiders , he acted like a egomaniac, instead of letting the system play out. Every sta From:    Hamsterstee shop

Official All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Packers And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt

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Buy it: Official All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Packers And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt  I think that’s the main reason they’re letting him go. He should have allowed his attorneys and the legal system so their job. Shannon Criss yep. They’re all over Instagram. Search his hashtags. You could p just googled ‘Antonio Brown texts.’ Its all the Official All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Packers And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt   said they released him cause of the texts, even if they might have been trying to get his money or even putting themselves through the craziness of coming forward for a lie, he still sent the woman that did not go after his money a picture of her kids among other things, which even for the Patriots low standards on h re  was so good, but I doubt any team signs him now, those texts crossed the line, after he was already in trouble he goes and does that? Honestly Im not Dr. but I think A.B has psychological and From:    Hamst...

Official Baby Yoda Hug Lsu Tigers Shirt

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Buy it: Official Baby Yoda Hug Lsu Tigers Shirt He was in the building with dozens of witnesses to his location and actions. "I was inside and didn't even see the protest, much less what they allege occurred", end of testimony. Marco Perez just as I figured, another uneducated liberal embarrassing the  Official Baby Yoda Hug Lsu Tigers Shirt  mselves in front of all of social media, doesn't even realize it. His own lawyers have said he would perjure himself under oat lease make this happen.  I'd love to see him questioned about anything under oath. Sadly, he can get away with everythi y. AJ Dunning I have no problem with farm aid because family farms are the most vulnerable From:    Hamsterstee shop

Koala Australia Fire Shirt

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Buy it:   Koala Australia Fire Shirt See more: Koala Australia Fire Shirt  I didn't scold them. Notice how it's all women screaming about "lack of empathy". See, the old addage about the  Koala Australia Fire Shirt  m being overly emotional is true! There are few personal tragedies I can imagine that would be equal to or worse than this. I'm crying as I write this, and I never even knew Steven Weber. I can't even begin to imagine what Kenesha Antoine must be feeling, and what she must have felt waiting for him to surface. My heart goes out to her and I've said a prayer for her. Grace Victoria Hitchman Laird It is heartbreaking ly know you. It must be a living Hell. A horrifying torment. And you deleted your comment, which stated: “Ignore Carlos, he’s just a moralist.” To top it a From:  Hamsterstee shop     

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Buy it:  Donald Trump The Wallfather Shirt See more: Donald Trump The Wallfather Shirt  Vontez Burfict, I hope he gets the help he needs... He should have left the women alone and let the Attorneys and etc handle this.. But he could not let them alone.. Text after text... He should have know they would take the  Donald Trump The Wallfather Shirt  m to the police or their Attorney..Nicole Tracewski Livingston She wasn’t originally going to ask the league to investigate, she was just putting it out there. But once she did AB sent her a bunch of intimidating texts, including a picture of her children, so now she’s letting the league get involved. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. As far as football, from the Steelers to the Raiders , he acted like a egomaniac, instead of letting the system play out. Every star gets his money,  her kids were dressed.  Stop with the sensationalism Cedric J. Moses Ben served a 6 game suspension just for there being...

Florida Gators Baby Yoda Shirt

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Buy it: Florida Gators Baby Yoda Shirt  I find it convenient that all of a sudden this guy is about to sign this big contract and suddenly women come out the woodwork from for 5 years ago to accuse this man of sexual assault and rape. I've always said that if one woman is raped by a man and she doesn't come forth then it's possible but if two women are raped the  F lorida Gators Baby Yoda Shirt  hat is not possible that neither woman come forth. This is when it becomes a scheme to get m  man and she doesn't come forth then it's possible but if two women are raped then that is not possible that neither woman come forth. This is when it becomes a scheme to get money. He really could shoot someone on Fift From:  Hamsterstee shop     

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Buy it:   Happy 3 Metre Flatty Day Ya Dogs Shirt See more: Happy 3 Metre Flatty Day Ya Dogs Shirt Profit I agree with you. We as a society, are caught up in this reality TV world; and are living vicariously through the  Happy 3 Metre Flatty Day Ya Dogs Shirt  elebrities. While we pinch pennies and watch them on  Bianca Smith LOL, you tell me Natascha.  Have never been, but I think Chernobyl would be an interesting, if not sobering/depressing/toxic place to visit Dan Lochner Yeah, stock market record highs, record low unemployment, including and especially among minority folks.  No new wars.  Yeah, things are terrible.Amy Lynn Romanek Sanchez anyone ask themselves why Trump would even approach this subje  law breakers..Doug Pharr stop deflecting. What is your name? What year is it? Do you know From:  Hamsterstee shop     

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Buy it:   I Am A Baby Yoda Aholic Shirt They got even for imposed sanctions once, and they’ll do it again. So don’t get too comfortable with your “ no war” claim. Here are some promises he made to con you into voting for him. He’ll build a wall that Mexico will pay for. Now he’s stealing money from  anet Schroeder Profit what are you talkin Biden in 2016 threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Ukraine removed a prosecutor who was probing the  I Am A Baby Yoda Aholic Shirt  gas company in the Ukraine that his son was a director of, Biden bragged about it on live tv that he put that man in his place.  Was the prosecutor trying to trace 30million that went west ust read.Janet Schroeder Profit Obama could order a stand down and go to bed while our embassy is under attack and our murdered ambassador is dragged through the streets and nothing would happen to him. As a matter of fact, it did happen. Randy Brooks The cash given to Iran wa...

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Buy it:    Iowa Hawkeyes 2019 Holiday Bowl Champions Shirt See more: Iowa Hawkeyes 2019 Holiday Bowl Champions Shirt Sorry for you man Janet Schroeder Profit you morons have over reacted, come out as unable to control your emotions, proven to be void of objectivity, liars, cheats, tyrannical, and basically viewed by the rest of the country as unbalanced. Then you ask why nobody trusts your motives or opinions. Julia Gulia actually we're the   Iowa Hawkeyes 2019 Holiday Bowl Champions Shirt  ones acting and thinking rationally.  You're so stuck on him that he said that...that he could shoot someone and he'd get away with it.  And he has done his best to prove it metaphorically ever since. Janet Schroeder Profit Just know, Donald Trump will eventually be broughtations lifted. Manufacturing will make a comeback. The people of the rust belt are still waiting. Coal will make a comeback. Really? He has a great infrastructure plan. Really? He’s not a ...

Joey How You Doin Shirt

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Buy it: Joey How You Doin Shirt See more: Joey How You Doin Shirt Not worth your life and her grief. I don’t understand why anyone is making jokes about this, posting stuff that mocks this tragedy. Show a little compassion and empathy. This man drowned while proposing to the  Joey How You Doin Shirt  love of his life. This is anything but funny. You don’t have to know someone to care about their well being. The “I don’t know you, so you’re not my problem” is just plain wrong and not how other human beings should be treated. He lives in Louisville Kentucky and yes its true,he drown.they didnt report all the details cuz the family ask them not to and they are still investigating. His body was found.Ben Coleman you know who’s not reading any of this? The people involve. You know who is reading a From:  Hamsterstee shop     

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Buy it:   Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt See more: Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt Genon Bradford You're definitely showing signs of psychopathy.  It's a mental disorders for which there is no cure. You lack empathy. One of the best human traits we possess. Sad. How sad; I understand that people want the  Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt  roposals to be memorable, but what is most important is that they be from the heart.Greg Hopkins dude it was deep & he ran out of air before reaching the top meaning he likely passed out trying to swim up which resulted in his death Hi! Whoever is reading this, I understand how rough things are right now.I just want to let you know that things will get better, I promise. Keep holding on just a little bit longer. I know you feel like nobody r nses after they realized they could be arrested, fined, jailed ...

Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Best Mom shirt

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Buy it:  Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Best Mom shirt See more: Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Best Mom shirt So wh e going to testify He was in the building with dozens of witnesses to his location and actions. "I was inside and didn't even see the  Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Best Mom shirt  protest, much less what they allege occurred", end of testimony. Marco Perez just as I figured, another uneducated liberal embarrassing themselves in front of all of social media, doesn't even realize it. His own lawyers have said he would perjure himself under oath ase make this happen.  I'd love to see him questioned about anything under oath. Sadly, he can get away with everyth  corruption at its best and yet there he sits i From:  Hamsterstee shop     

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Buy it:  Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Fans 2020 S hirt See more: Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Fans 2020 Shirt  Tom Stine noooo. 2.trillion increase in deficit.   Meaning we spend way more than we make and borrow.  It has to be paid  also the  Neil Memory Peart In Loving Drummer Fans 2020 S hirt  interest on the debt is 2k plus for ever man, woman and child yearly. AJ Dunning I have no problem with farm aid because family farms are the most vulnerable and are going bankrupt. Trump - "what protest?  I didnt see a protest.  The security guards were very fine people I can tell you that.  No one told me about any protest.   I have no knowledge of any one being beat up at the protest that I never knew happened.   Does anyon  order the judiciary. Honestly, he should simply laugh and order the judge to go jump in a la From:  Hamsterstee shop     

I Choose You For The Boogaloo Shirt

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Buy it:   I Choose You For The Boogaloo Shirt See more: I Choose You For The Boogaloo Shirt What if the opposition to Obama’s ideas had responded this way Lucy Mulvaney where you during the Obama years. The  I Choose You For The Boogaloo Shirt  level of vitriol from the far right was crazy. Don’t forget Trumps political career launched with his vicious “birther” claims which he built a movement on.  Was that legitimate? Lucy Mulvaney, please, do yourself a favor and loosen the band on your made-in-China hat. If you think this about "hate", then you obviously haven't been paying attention for the past 2.5 years. This is about jurisprudence and the rule of law. Lucy Mulvaney um, the opposition to O 016. Then Trumpsters try to argue doesn’ From:  Hamsterstee shop     

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Buy it:  Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Bills Signature Shirt See more: Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Bills Signature Shirt With Mitch blocking every bill sent to the Senate on you name it, hard to do much. And then DJT is taking executive power to realms never seen before, its keeping everyone busy. Finally Mitch caves on 1 bill trying to protect elections... but everything else? Gun control, immigration...nada. Zip. I am so proud of him, we elected him to undo the  Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Love Bills Signature Shirt  horrible statism put in place by the communist provocateur Obama and by god he is doing just that. Obama should not be remembered as a president but a traitor who sold his country down the river for a book deal. Obama hates Americans and sympathizes with foreign bad actors and, he also disrespected the sovereign rights of the American people while espousing...

A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pitbull Shirt

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Buy it:    A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pitbull Shirt See more:  A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pitbull Shirt Obama hates Americans and sympathizes with foreign bad actors and, he also disrespected the sovereign rights of the American people while espousing hug a thug stance on crime. He was and still is bad for America along with his fellow scumbags at the   A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pitbull Shirt   The story is that Biden abused his position as Vice-President to withhold US funding to Ukrane if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating his son.  He is bragging about it on Video. meanwhile all you got on Trump is "sources say" and "if true", and even the WSJ is reporting no quid was given for a pro quo. Biden wasn't the only one pursuing the prosecuters' ouster...Western leaders and institutions were largely united in seeking Shokin’s removal, arguing that he w...

Koala I Love Australia Shirt

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Buy it:   Koala I Love Australia Shirt See more: Koala I Love Australia Shirt Dhey said they released him cause of the texts, even if they might have been trying to get his money or even putting the   Koala I Love Australia Shirt  mselves through the craziness of coming forward for a lie, he still sent the woman that did not go after his money a picture of her kids among other things, which even for the Patriots low standards on human morals with their high standards on actual playing ability, that far outweighs any good he could do for the team, and Bill knew he was risking losing his locker room for this fool. And by fool I mean FOOL, he went from a 50 million guaranteed contract, to getting one game check for 158 grand, then he sends those texts when the Patriots would have stuck by him until any concrete evidence came out...Man he was so good, but I doubt any team signs him now, those texts crossed the line, after he was already in trouble he goes and does ...